One Year of Aries-X!
Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude! As I reflect on the first full year of this blog (a month after the actual anniversary, sorry about that) I can only be thankful. To everyone who’s read, shared, and talked about my little blog, you truly don’t know how much it means to me. Thank you for caring, reading, responding, and most importantly, accommodating my laziness. Through keeping up this site I’ve learned more about myself as a writer and person than I have in my nineteen years of life. It’s allowed me to access parts of myself I didn’t realize existed but am so grateful to be in touch with. I’m proud of the girl who listened to her itch to share a part of herself with the world and fought against her fear of being seen because she knew the result would be much greater than anything she was afraid of. As much as I’m thankful for you all, above all I’m thankful to myself. Because even if no one was reading this I know I’d still be here writing and posting, searching for change within myself and the world.
With the New Year coinciding with the one-year anniversary, I thought it only fair to make some fun and fresh changes to the website and the Aries-x brand. In 2024, I want the Aries nation to be more powerful than last year so we can achieve our goal of world domination by 2027 as scheduled.
Questions for the Culture
On the (newly improved) home page, you’ll find a section below the get-to-know-me titled “Questions for the Culture.” The Aries-x email has been hyperlinked on the home page since the site has gone up, and I sadly haven’t received one email. So in an attempt to increase engagement with my readers, I’ll be posting monthly questions for the culture alongside months In’s and Outs, with the goal that you, the reader will click the beloved hyperlink and send me a response. (If the hyperlink isn’t working, the email is If I get any particularly thought-provoking, funny, or riveting answers I’ll share them (anonymously) on my Twitter!
Aries-x Twitter
Follow Aries-x on Twitter! I have a lot to say despite my infrequent posting, so in between posts, I’ll be tweeting and shit posting to my heart’s desire. I also want to use it as a platform to grow the blog, so even if you don’t care about what I have to say please give me a follow! (@sidnieolivia)
Aries-x Newsletter
Substack mutuals stay vigilant, Aries-x newsletter is here! The goal is to use the newsletter as both a vehicle to promote new blog posts and a way to keep contact between posts. I won’t hold myself to any kind of schedule in terms of when they’ll get sent out, but the hope is more often than blog posts. (Please bear with me as I figure out how to send them Squarespace is so scary.)
That’s all for now, I’ll have a new Journal Entry up in the coming days so I won’t be gone too long. One of the things I’ve learned over the past year of keeping this blog is that I can’t force myself to stick to any kind of schedule with it, sometimes I’m busy with school and life, and sometimes I just don’t feel like writing. Either way, I prefer to come and go like a breeze. and to speak only when it’s necessary to myself and my readers. Thank you again, and see you soon!